You Become the Person of Your Habits
“Every Grown-up man consists wholly of habits,
although he is after unaware of it and even
denies having
any habits at all.”
George Gurgjieff 1866 - 1949, Spiritual Teacher,
As I see it. . . . . . . .
You become the person of your habits
We all have them . . . . they’re our
habits. Some habits will make a positive difference in your life . . . . and some you need to drop like a hot potato.
Some habits will pave the way for your success journey . . . . and some will
have the capacity to create barriers on your journey.
Habits are formed over time . . . . As
they are formed they become ingrained habits that are repeatedly done over and
over without giving them much thought to your actions.
People become a creature of their habits
. . . . and over time their habits make
them who they are.
Your productive habits should be
fostered as they become your strengths . . . . They become the foundation for your
success journey to take you to greater levels of achievement.
You also develop habits that can be
holding you back from reaching your full potential.
The bad habits need to be identified . .
. . and replaced with a new productive habit.
In time you become the person of your
©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power
Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author
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