Friday, October 4, 2013

Perceptions Make You Who You Are

Motivational Power Quote

Perceptions Make You Who You Are
Perception is a mirror not a fact, and what I look on is my
state of mind, reflected outward.”
A Course in Miracles     

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Perceptions make you who you are

What you perceive in your mind  . . . . you will act out and become.

A perception is not a fact it’s an opinion is a view that can be right or can be without merit.  It’s our state of mind on the topic.

Perception is a mirror of your thinking, and with a positive thought process you will have a difference perception then a person with a negative outlook on life.

A positive thinker has a positive outlook . . . . and a positive perception. A negative thinker sees everything as an obstacle . . . . and through the eyes of a negative perception they see most of the things in their life as negative.

Your perceptions will determine if you will step forward or drag your feet. 

Perception is your insight to how you see your world and the things around you . . . . it influences your actions or lack of action. Your perception will become the fuel for your success journey or a stop sign.

Perceptions make you who we are and what you become.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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