Don’t Wait Grasp the Moment
“Do not
wait to strike till the iron is hot, but make it hot
by striking it.”
William B. Sprague 1795 – 1876, A Congregational
and Presbyterian Clergyman
As I see it. . . . . . . .
Don’t Wait grasp the moment
The best time to grasp the moment . . .
. and take action is now.
Some people will wait for just the right
moment to act . . . . As they wait, the
moments of their life passes them by. While others will act to grasp the
moments in their lives as they are . . . . and make the most of each of their
Your moments past this way just one time
. . . . and as those moments past they will never return to you.
Be appreciative of the moments in your
life . . . . and make your moments count. Your moments have the capacity to
create a happy and fulfilling days . . . . and can compound themselves into a
productive lifetime.
Waiting for just the right moment to
start your success journey is waiting for a moment that may never come. The
best time to start your success journey is now. Make the most of your talent
and resources that you currently have . . . . and step into forward and into
your future.
As you travel the path of your success journey
you will have the opportunity to increase your talents and expand your
resources. But if you decide to wait you will see the opportunities fade away.
Make the most of today . . . . and don't wait until tomorrow.
Don’t wait grasp what the moment offers
you. Your future will become a reflection of what you make of today . . . . and
the opportunities that you play forward. Each day offers unique opportunities.
Make the most of your opportunities as this day and the opportunities will
never pass this way again.
©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power
Quote, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author
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