Monday, April 1, 2013

Create Your Future

Motivational Power Quote

Create Your Future
The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
Peter F. Drucker, Management Expert

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Create your future  

The future is what you make it . . . . and the best way to predict the future is to create it.

The future can be anything . . . . that you want it to be.

One person will have a vision of their future where they see it a bright future with of unlimited possibilities. They view their success journey . . . . as a journey of opportunity to fulfill their goals and to continually move them closer to success.

You create your future and your future will be successful journey . . . . and where you will achieve you goals and live your dreams.

Another person will look at their future and see it as a desert a barren region where nothing grows. What they see in their future is a wasteland where they can barely sustain themselves and everything looks bleak and a struggle to survive.

They’re predicting their future to be one limited or no success. 

Both people are looking at their future through the prospective of tomorrow . . . . when in fact the future that you create is today.

A person creates their future . . . . in the way they think.

The winner, doers and achievers in life think about their future from the prospective what can be possible and continue to search for opportunities. They believe their future will be better then their past and . . . . they move forward with the confidence that they will achieve success.

The person that thinks about their future with uncertainly will find that they have created a future without direction.

The future that you want to create . . . .  is created in your thinking.

You can create your future . . . . when you create the future in your mind and see it exactly as you want it to be.   

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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