Monday, August 27, 2012

Your Decisions Drive Your Success Journey

Motivational Power Quote 

Your Decisions Drive Your Success Journey
“Decision and determination are the engineer and the fireman
of our train to opportunity and success.”
Burt Lawlor, entrepreneur   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Your decisions drive your success Journey

Your decisions become the engine that drives your success journey. Those decisions will determine the direction that your success journey takes and the level of success that you achieve.  

Focus on making the decisions that will booster your quest to succeed and keeps you moving in the right direction. If your success journey gets off course make the decision to make adjustments and to get back on the right course.

Your decisions are a matter of personal choices and rooted in your values. Your decisions have the capacity to change your life for the better and to accelerate your success journey.

Determination will give you the strength to stay the course and the willpower to overcome your setbacks and obstacles that we encounter along the way of your success journey.

Take the personal responsibility for your progress and success. Become the engineer of your career, your success journey and your success journey will turn into the success express.

Your decisions drive your success journey . . . . Keep your success journey on track and going in the right direction and you will make steady progress in the direction of your objectives.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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