Saturday, August 11, 2012

Your Circumstances Reveal Your True Character

Motivational Power Quote

Your Circumstances Reveal Your True Character
“Circumstances do not make a man;
they merely reveal him to himself.”
Epictetus 55AD – 135 AD, Greek sage and stoic philosopher,  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Your circumstances reveal your true character

You will encounter many varied circumstances on your success journey.

Some of your circumstances will come as events that will booster your career and success journey and move you in the direction of goals. Other circumstances will bring turbulence into your life.

Your true character comes to the surface in the way you respond to your circumstances. You will not always able to control the circumstances that come into your lives, but we are able control the way you respond to your circumstances.  

Your character is developed and tested in challenging times, as well as in your successes.

Your character reveals who you really are when you are tested by your challenges and how you handle your success. The person that remains focused on solutions when they are challenged will find a way to successfully navigate their challenges and find the best solution. The person that experience success and realizes success is a milestone on their success journey and remains focused on the big picture will grow and achieve greater success.

Your circumstances are temporary conditions on your success journey and can shift like the wind. It’s how you respond to your circumstances that impact your life and future.

Your character is developed in the way you respond to the circumstances in your life and how you respond to your circumstances reveal your true character and who you really are.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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