Thursday, June 21, 2012

Don’t Allow Others to Define You

Motivational Power Quote

Don’t Allow Others to Define You
“We not allow other peoples limited perceptions to define us.”
Virginia Satir 1916 - 1988, American Author, Psychologist

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Don’t allow others to define you

Others may have an option of you, but it’s their option and their option does not define you. It’s just an option.

You are responsible for your life; don’t allow other to define you and try to control you or your life.

If it’s to be it will be up to you; don’t let others set your standards or your limits.

You are responsible for your actions and the results: don’t allow other define your actions, your results or interfere with your success journey.

Set your standards high and above other people’s options and you will standout and stand above their options.

You control your success and set the standards high for your success. Don’t allow others to define your success through their negative attitude. Be your own person and create positive relationships with the people that will encourage and mentor you to succeed.

Eliminate your negative relationships.

Don’t allow others to define you in the negative, for they are small people with small minds with an option and their option only counts in their own mind.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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