Motivational Power Quote
A Small Opportunity Opens Big
“Small opportunities often
the beginning of great enterprises.”
Demosthenes 384 – 322 BC, Greek Statesman
As I see it. . . . . . . .
A small opportunity opens big doors
Every opportunity that you encounter has
the potential to opening the doors to bigger and better opportunity.
Don’t overlook the value of small opportunities,
many great things start from small beginning.
What may look like of insignificant
event in your life at the time could open the door great enterprises.
Have a receptive mind and look at every
opportunity as an opportunity; an opportunity that can change your life.
Set into motion the wheels of
opportunity and build forward momentum. Seize the day and seize the
opportunities that present them self to you.
A small opportunity open big doors when
you open at an opportunity with an open mind a mind of possibilities.
©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management
Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author
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