Sunday, May 25, 2014

Reset Your Sails to the Changing Winds

 Reset Your Sails to the Changing Winds
“We must reset our sails to take advantage of the changing
winds and prosper as a business and individually.
You can make the most of this downturn and
position yourself for the next boom that’s
going to follow.”
Harry S. Dent, Economist, Author

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Reset your sail to the changing winds

The winds of business continue to change . . . . You must reset your sails to navigate yourself into a position to weather the storm in your life and sail into the waters of change and opportunity.

Many of the rules for business have changed. You can either try to live in the past of old ideas or reset our sails to take advantage of the new business environment . . . . and the opportunities that change holds.

Adjusting your sails may not be easy . . . . but the alternative is far worst.

Reset your sail . . . . and be determined to weather the winds of change in your life . . . . and you will set the course for your life and your future success.

Position yourself for change . . . . and to prosper in the days ahead.

When change is needed . . . .  reset your sail to the changing winds to stay on purpose  . . . . and moving in the right direction.
©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author




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