Monday, February 4, 2013

How to Avoid Criticism

Motivational Power Quote

How to Avoid Criticism . . . .
To avoid criticism,
do nothing,
say nothing,
be nothing.”
Elbert Hubbard 1856 – 1915, American Writer, Publisher,
Artist, Philosopher

As I see it. . . . . . . .

How to avoid criticism . . . .

The only real way to avoid criticism is to do . . . . nothing take no actions and take no risks.

Never extend yourself to reach for success . . . . because it will take you out of your comfort zone.

When asked to take on a new job or take on a new responsible . . . . just tell them it’s not your job.

When something goes wrong . . . . find someone else to blame it on.

In reality there is not way to go through life without being criticized.

What you just read is a list of lame excuses to fail.

Jealous people will criticize you throughout your success journey.

When they see you’re achieving success they have a negative reaction and will accelerate their rate of criticism to make them feel better about them self.  They are small minded people that would rather spend their time criticizing others then to work at being successful themselves.  

Consider the source of the criticism, reflect on it and take with a grain of salt on move on leaving the criticism and person behind you.

You will encounter criticism from people that have your best interest at heart. They consider their criticism very carefully before they share it with you.

They want to see you succeed and the criticism is meant to . . . . either get us back on track or to encourage stretching ourselves beyond our present reach and grow.  Their criticism is . . . . meant to help us.

Consider this person as a gift someone that will speak up when it’s needed, and someone that will encourage at just the right time. They are a valuable resource on our success journey.

On your success journey when you’re pushing yourself and stretching your limits or you’re taking on new challenges things will not be perfect and criticism will occur. Consider the source of the criticism . . . . and if it’s valid act accordingly.

Focus yourself on the big picture and work your way through the criticism . . . . but never allow the criticism derail you or your success journey.   

Remember how to avoid criticism . . . . is to do nothing take no actions and to take no risks. Be the person to take action and calculated risks to achieve your goals at the risk of being criticized.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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