Motivational Power Quote
Don’t Over React Emotionally to
react emotionally to criticism. Analyze yourself to
determine whether it is justified. If it is, correct
otherwise, go on about your business.”
Dr. Norman Vincent Peale 1898 - 1993, Author, Minster
As I see it. . . . . . . .
Don’t over react emotionally to
If you are on the receiving end of
criticism don’t over react . . . .
Look at the source of the criticism and
determine if the criticism has merit. If the criticism is negative but valid .
. . . thank the person for sharing the information with you and make ever
effort to correct the situation.
If you’re at fault, stay in control of your
emotions and the situation . . . . by admitting that you were at fault. Take
responsible for your actions by admitting your responsible . . . . and you will
defuse the other person and the situation will not be accelerated.
If in analyze of the criticism you find
that it’s not valid you have several choices.
Once you determine that the criticism is
not valid . . . . dismiss it and move forward.
If the criticism is coming from a person
that has continued to criticism you without merit or being truthful you may want
to professionally approach that . . . . person have ask them for their help.
Ask them to share with you fEmotions, or the source of their criticism and clear up any
areas of misunderstanding.
By approaching the person professionally
. . . . you are very likely to neutralize their attacks on you.
Thank the person for their input and ask
them to speak to you personally in the future before they share information
(criticism) with other people to ensure that they have the facts are right.
Remain calm and in control of your
emotions to find the best way to resolve the situation. When you react
emotionally to the criticism in many cases that is . . . . exactly what they
are looking for.
Don’t over react emotionally to
criticism . . . . and you will find that you will remind in control of your
emotions and as a result you will make far better decisions and remain in
control of the conditions.
©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management
Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author
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