Thursday, December 20, 2012

Planning Creates Focus

Motivational Power Quote

Planning Creates Focus 
Planning is bring the future into the present so that you
 can do something about if now.”
Alan Lakein, Author  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Planning creates focus

Planning today for future creates . . . . the vision of the path that you will follow and the mile markers for your success journey.

As you plan you . . . . bring your future into the present and it allow you to go forward with a purpose and a road map on how you’ll get to your destination. Having a plan also will show you when you have moved off course and the way to back on track.

Planning creates focus to move forward and in the right direction . . . .

Because you know where you’re going . . . . you have options. You have the option to adjust or to change your course when you encounter roadblocks and obstacles, or you have the option to continue on your current path.

When you have a plan for the future and you follow the plan . . . . you move forward with a sense of confidence in your actions which will results in better decision making.

With a plan you’re knows where you’re going, how you will get there and you will make progress in the direction of you goals. A person without a plan has the tendency to drift through life without a clear direction for there life.

Planning creates focus . . . . Planning creates options; the person with a plan creates the option of following a path way to success.  A person without a plan picks the option of drifting through life without a vision for their future.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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