Saturday, December 8, 2012

Intense Desire Creates Success

Motivational Power Quote

Intense Desire Creates Success
We are told that talent creates it’s our opportunities.
But it sometimes, seems that intense desire
creates not only it’s our opportunities,
but it’s own talent’s.”
Eric Hoffer 1903 -1983, author and Philosopher

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Intense desire creates success  

Intense desire creates success and . . . . that success comes from within.

It’s the passion to dig deep down within yourself to achieve more then you have in the past. It’s the belief that you . . . . will successfully accomplish what you set out to do.

With intense desire you take the want to achieve greater success and . . . . turn it into to a powerful force. When you concentrate your efforts and your beliefs into an intense purpose to succeed . . . . you create a powerful force of forward momentum.

You can turn an ordinary situation into an extraordinary opportunity with intense desire opening untold doors that will lead to unlimited success.

Intense desire will get you over the hurdles that you encounter and . . . . will keep you focused on the big picture and succeeding.

The intense desire to succeed brings your talents to the surface and . . . .  you will find yourself maximizing your talent’s to achieve greater success and to succeed.

Intense desire creates succeed . . . . and will becomes the source of your personal power to succeed and a unstoppable force of forward momentum.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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