Friday, September 28, 2012

A Disadvantage is an Opportunity Waiting to be Discovered

Motivational Power Quote

A Disadvantage is an Opportunity Waiting to be Discovered 
There is an advantage in every disadvantage
and a gift in every problem.”
John Johnson, American Businessman and Publisher   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

A disadvantage is an opportunity waiting to be discovered

How you look at a disadvantage will determine what you see and how you’ll respond to the condition.

When you look at a disadvantage and look for the opportunity you are looking for a way the turn the disadvantage into an advantage and an opportunity. When you’re looking for the opportunity you see the disadvantage through a positive prospective of your glass being half full.

When you’ll be able to see the advantages in your disadvantage you will see the best in your conditions and will look for the ways to maximize your opportunities.

Success will be achieved by the person that can effectively work through their disadvantages and turn them into advantage.

When we look at your world through a positive paradigm we will turn a disadvantage into an advantage.

A disadvantage is an opportunity waiting to discovered . . . . Look for the opportunities and when you find them turn them into a business advantage.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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