Motivational Power Quote
Quality is in the Eye of The Cosumer
“Quality in service or product is not what you put
into it.
It is what the client or customer gets out of it.”
Peter Ducker, author and management consultant
As I see it. . . . . . . .
Quality is in the eye of the Consumer
The consumer, your client or customers
determines the quality of your product and service that you deliver and if it
meets or exceeds their expectations.
Consumers today are more knowledgeable
and have a better understanding and informed on what they want and expect. As a
result they are more demanding then they where past and want a higher level of
quality delivered to them.
They are willing to pay a premium for
quality that exceeds their expectations but they see no value in a poor product
or service.
Customers will determine if your service
or product meets or exceeds their expectations and provides them a defined
quality. If the quality does not meet the expectations of an existing customer
they will seek out a new source and no longer do business with you.
By understanding the customer’s expectations
you know what you will have to deliver to satisfy their needs and to build a
professional relationship with them. If we are not able meet their expectations
of quality they will simply will not buy or use our product or service.
Build the quality into your product and service
to exceed the client or customers expectations. When you exceed the customer’s expectations
you create loyal customers.
Quality is in the eyes of consumer . .
. . Meet it and exceed and your customers will return to you and freely refer
new customers to you.
©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management
Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author
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