Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The First Secret of Success is in What You Believe

Motivational Power Quote

The First Secret of Success is in What You Believe
People become really quite remarkable
when they start thinking that they can do things.
When they believe in themselves
they have the first secret of success.”
Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, author

As I see it. . . . . . . .

The first secret of success is in what you believe

A successful person believes in themselves and in their ability and will take their actions in accordance to their beliefs.

The secret of believing in yourself is in your attitude you can choose to believe in yourself and be a person with a positive direction in their life. Or you can live a life of negative anticipations and find them. Whatever you believe to be true is your reality. 

Some of the most successful people that I have met were neither the most skilled people nor the most talented. But they believed in themselves and worked hard to get the most out of themselves and worked hard to make their goals and dreams come true.

When you believe in yourself you move into your days with confidence.

The first secret of success in what you believe and from your beliefs everything becomes possible.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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