Monday, May 28, 2012

Success is an On Purpose Activity

Motivational Power Quote 

Success is an On Purpose Activity
“The Story of the human race is the story
of men and woman selling themselves short.”
Abraham Maslow 1908 -1970, author, psychologist  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Success is an on purpose activity

What you feed into your mind will come to pass in your thoughts and in your actions.  Success doesn’t happen by accident your success is built on the foundation sowing and reaping. Whatever you sow into your minds you will reap.

Nourish your mind with positive messages and thinking and you will reap a harvest of productive thoughts and activity. Your thoughts condition your mind to respond creating what is called the law of cause and effect. Your thoughts become the cause and your actions create the effect or the condition.

Your thoughts create a momentum in your life; your thoughts will determine the direction that your life takes.

Success is not an accident nor is it a miracle, success is choice and is determined by your thinking and the actions you take on a daily basis.

Success is an on purpose journey and if our thinking is right we will take the correct path. 

Success is an on purpose activity . . . .

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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