Thursday, March 8, 2012

Challenges Are What We Make of Them

Motivational Power Quote

Challenges Are What We Make of Them
“Challenges are an opportunity to learn to grow.”

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Challenges are what we make of them

We can find our self in the middle of a major challenge that may initially seem that there is no out of successfully.

How we see the challenge will determine how we will respond to the challenge. A person that sees the challenge has an opportunity will go after the challenge and resolve it with passion. The person that sees the challenge as overwhelming will quit.

When we search for answers to resolve a challenge we will uncover the opportunities to open the new doors. With those new doors opening they will lead to greater success and we experience an opportunity for personal growth.

Success comes through our persistence to successfully work through the challenge and turning into an opportunity.

A challenge can cause a person stress and disrupt their success journey, if they allow it to.

A successful person will use a challenging situation as a stepping stone for their future success. They will approach the challenge with a positive attitude, seek answers and know what desired outcome they are looking for.

©2012, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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