Sunday, March 18, 2012

Motivational Power Quote
If We Want to Change Your Life
“If you want things to be different
perhaps the answer is to become different yourself.”
Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, author  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

If we want to change your life

Changing your life is a personal choice reinforced by your actions to make your future difference from what your life is today.

To change our life we will need a crystal clear vision of what we want our life to be in the future.

We first have to make the decision that we want change. Then we take the actions to bring the changes we want to our life.

Things only become difference when we become difference and commit ourselves to change.

To create lasting change we have to change our approach to how we think and how we respond to our daily activities.

Focus on your strengths that will become the foundation for a successful future and support the changes that you seek.

Remove any habits or activities that create a road blocks or will delay you from achieving the changes that your committed to making.

When you know where you want to go you will have a target to aim for. Commit yourself to positive change you change your world.

If you want to change in your life you have to become the change that you want to see.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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