Motivational Power Quote
Do People Like Themselves When They’re With Us?
“To a large degree,
our success and happiness in life
depends on how much people like
themselves when they’re with us.”
Joe Caruso, transformation thinker
As I see it. . . . . . . .
Do people like themselves when they’re with us?
The level that a person likes themselves when they’re with us has an effect our success and happiness.
Success and happiness is attracted to us through other people.
We attract success and happiness by our services we render to others. Our rapport with people and the quality of our relationships is the foundation, the building block are building and maintaining the relationship.
One of the most overlooked factors is how comfortable and how much to people like themselves when they are with us.
When we nourish our relationship with others people feel good about themselves.
The following is food to feed your relationship with others.
Address them by name.
Make it easy for them to feel comfortable around you.
Show people respect for them and build rapport.
Speak in terms of their interests.
Find out what they want and show them a way to get it.
See things through the eyes of the other person and their point of view.
Focus your attention on them.
Say what you’re going to do, and then do it.
The more people that are comfortable and like themselves when they are with you; the more success and happiness you’ll attract.
©2010 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author
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