Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Dream Your Dreams Until They Come True

Motivational Power Quote

Dream Your Dreams Until They Come True

“Happy are those
who dream dreams
and are ready to pay the price
to make them come true.”
Leon J. Suenens

As I see it. . . . . . . .
The happiest people are those who dream.

Be willing to dream your dreams.

Open your heart and mind to dream of all the possibilities. The larger your dreams the larger the possibilities become.

Fulfilling your dreams comes with a price. You need to have to pay the price of persistence and determination to see your dream through. Put your dreams in writing; to help guide you on the journey and keep you focused on achieving your dreams.

Be willing to extend yourself everyday to move towards fulfilling your dreams.

When the road gets rough it is important to stay focused on your dream and to stay on course, you need to be willing to do the work to make your dreams come true.

®Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

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