Sunday, February 5, 2012

Personal Security in Life Comes From Within

Motivational Power Quote

Personal Security in Life Comes From Within
“The only real security that a man will have in this world
is a reserve of knowledge, experience and ability.”
Henry Ford, American entrepreneur

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Personal security in life comes from within.

We create the personal security in our life by taking the personal responsibility to create it and taking massive actions to make it become a reality.

We are the only person that has the ability to bring security into our life.

By knowing what we want in our life and making the commitment to achieve the desired results puts us on the pathway of creating personal security.

We create our security by preparing for it in advance to taking action.

Achieving security requires developing the tools necessary to become excellent in our chosen field.

We move forward by gaining the experience to understand our profession and knowing what steps are required to succeed. The experience is supported by our knowledge in our field and how to use that knowledge effectively.

When we take our experience and combine it with preparation our knowledge and take massive action we have the formula to creating personal security in our life. 

®2010, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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