Motivational Power Quote
Perceived Value
“Value is what people are willing
to pay it.”
John Naisbitt, author
As I see it. . . . . . . .
Perceived value
Perceived value is the value of an item that someone would be willing to pay for it. That value is based on the person’s perceived value of the product or service.
Consumers will not pay more than they perceive the value to be.
In selling our services we will have a choice to either raise the perceived value of the services or lower our price. People are willing to pay for goods and services based on what they perceive the value to be.
As a sales professional our role is to create value for our services in the eyes of our potential customers.
A customer will never pay more for our services then they perceive the value to be. Low perceived value will lead to objections in moving forward, phone calls not being returned, a low ball offer on the product leading to challenging negotiations with very little flexibility from the buyers.
Build value in your products and services and perceived value is in the eye of the consumer and your customers. When you do they will return to you as a repeat buyers, recommend you and refer you to others.
©2011 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author
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