Saturday, October 2, 2010

Take the Road Less Traveled

Motivational Power Quote

Take the Road Less Traveled
“There are those who work all day.
Those who dream all day and
those who spend an hour dreaming
before setting to work
to fulfill those dreams.
Go into the third category
because there’s
virtually no competition.”
Steven Ross, Time Warner CEO

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Take the road less traveled

We can choose to work all day, leaving no time for planning. Our day becomes reactive to our tasks at hand leaving very little room for creativity thinking or personal growth.

We can spend our days dreaming, to the point where we find very little time to take action on our dreams. Dreaming without action is recipe for failure.

The toll to enter the road to success; is to invest time everyday in reviewing your dreams and planning your day for success.

Make everyday a day that moves you in the direction of your goals by taking massive action to get you to your desired outcome.

You will find there very little competition on the road to success, its road less traveled.

©2010 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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