Thursday, April 29, 2010

What Make Your Heart Sing?

Motivational Power Quote

What Make Your Heart Sing?
“Find out what makes your
heart sing and
create your own music.”
Mac Anderson, founder of Successories Inc.

As I see it. . . . . . . .

What makes your heart sing?

We all have a special song in our heart that waiting to come out.

What’s the song in your heart?

The song in your heart is your passion. What is it that you love to do?

What would you do; if you knew that you would not fail?

Find your passion and your passion will light the fire in your heart and your will create your own music.

A person with passion creates unstoppable forward momentum.

Find your song and create your own music and you create your success.

©2010, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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