Monday, January 11, 2010

Focus on What Matters Most

Motivational Power Quote

Focus on What Matters Most

“Things that matter most
must never be at the
mercy of the thing that matter least.”
Johann Wolfgang Goethe, German poet, playwright and Novelist

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Focus on what matters most.

What matters most is far more than just business it effectives every aspect of our life. It involves us, our success, our happiness and the people in our lives.

The question to ask yourself is what really matters most to you.

Choose the things that matters most very carefully because they will shape your future. Once you choose them make them your life’s passion.

Three strategies to help you focus on the things that matters most:

1. Make a written list of the all things that matters most to you.

2. Put them into your order of your priority; of what matters the most to you.

3. Were time becomes an element establish a time line to accomplish the desired results.

Don’t misuse your time and energy or surrender to the things that matter least.

Remain focused on the things that matters most to you and apply all of your energy and resources to reach your desired results.

®2010, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consulting, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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