Monday, December 1, 2014

Don’t Give Up – Keep Pushing Forward

Don’t Give Up – Keep Pushing Forward
“Don’t give up. Don’t ever give up.”
Jim Valvano, Basketball Coach

As I see it . . . . . . .
Don’t give up – Keep pushing forward

Many people who fail never realized . . . . how close they were to achieving their goals . . . . and they throw in the towel and gave up.

When you hit a wall on your success journey . . . . Don’t give up keep pushing forward. Lean forward into the head winds of life . . . . and keep pushing forward until you find a way through . . . . around . . . . or over your obstacles.

Give a little extra effort with everything you do. Don’t give up . . . . Persevere your way through your challenges . . . . and setbacks until you succeed.

When things become challenging the course of least resistance is to say it’s too hard . . . . or it can’t be done . . . . and to give up which becomes the pathway of regret.

The pathway to success may not always be the easiest . . . . or the shortest route, but it’s the pathway to success is the right path to follow.  Achieving success and happiness requires persistent.

Never give up . . . . The weather the storms that you encounter in your life . . . . and you will that you’ll to be standing when the storms in your passes.

Don’t give up - keep pushing forward . . . . is a test of your faith and your courage. When you need the motivation to push forward . . . . push forward with persistence . . . . and with the faith to achieve your goals.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author 

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