Monday, September 19, 2011

You Live Your Life in Your Thoughts

Motivational Power Quote

You Live Your Life in Your Thoughts
“Your world is a living expression
on how you are using
and have used your mind.”
Earl Nightingale, author

As I see it. . . . . . . .

You live your life in your thoughts

The life you live in is formed in your thoughts and you live your thoughts out in your actions. 

What you think you do and what you do you become.

Your world is a reflection of our thoughts.

A life of positive inspiration is stimulated by positive thinking. That thinking opens the doors of opportunity and contributes to your success.

Your thoughts become the foundation for your life. From those thoughts you form your future and from those thoughts you create the actions that will create the pathway to success.

As we think you do, as you think you become, and what you become is a result of your thoughts. A successful person thinks in terms of successful outcomes.

You live your life in your thoughts and your thoughts determine how you live your life. The path that you follow in your life is the pathway that you create in your thoughts. Believe in yourself and in your abilities and the pathway you follow will lead to unlimited possibilities.

©2011 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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