Motivational Power Quote
It’s How You Remember It
“Some folks never exaggerate
they just remember big.”
Audrey Snead, author
As I see it. . . . . . . .
It’s how you remember it
The moments in your life flash by and many times they seem like world wind. Your moments are not record on a video but they’re recorded in your thoughts. You have an automatic rewind in your thoughts and that how we remember it.
Time passes as well as the moments of your life. But the way you remember it will in your thoughts and that’s the way it happened lives within you for a lifetime.
As time goes by time it makes things appear to become bigger in your memory become clearer in your thoughts. You remember things in terms of moments and flashes into the past.
The way you remember may have gotten bigger over time in your memories, but that the way you remember it. You will also erase things from your memory that you don’t want to revisit in your thoughts.
You live your life in the moments and remember then in many small details.
Dare to live a full rich life one full of memories. And you’ll relive those memories throughout your life in your thoughts. Dare to dream big and dare to remember big and you’ll have a lifetime of memories to relive.
You create your memories and its how you remember it that will stay with you.
©2011 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author
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