Saturday, May 28, 2011

Procrastination is a Slow Death

Motivational Power Quote

Procrastination is a Slow Death
“Procrastination is the grave
in which opportunity is buried.”
Author unknown

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Procrastination is a slow death

A procrastinator dies a slow death; they die a little more each day by putting things off. It becomes a slow and painful death of one’s career and creeps into every aspect of our lives.

Procrastination drains the essences of our energy and kills the spark of our motivation.

Prioritize what has to be done by there importances. Put your priorities into a written list by their order of importances. Develop a plan to achieve your priorities and put your plan into action to complete the tasks by there order of importances.

Commit yourself to take the necessary actions to successfully achieve closure to each item on that list and start to complete your list today.

Never put off what can be done today until tomorrow.

Putting things off moves a person in the direction of a life of procrastination and procrastination is a slow death. Grasp your day and do what has to be done to make progress in your life and career and do it today.

©2011 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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