Motivational Power Quote
Enthusiasm a Passion for Life
“One man has enthusiasm for 30 minutes,
another for 30 days,
but it is the man who has it 30 years
who makes a success of his life.”
Edward Butler
As I see it. . . . . . . .
Enthusiasm a passion for life
A person with enthusiasm processes a passion for life and success; as a result they will stand out in their endeavors and will create their own success.
There are no substitutes for enthusiasm, we either have it or we don’t; there’s no in between.
The person with enthusiasm is energized and they turn the energy of their enthusiasm into a positive force that propels them forward.
Nothing becomes impossible for the person that has enthusiasm they open the doors of opportunities and turn those opportunities into long term successes.
Keep the flames of your enthusiasm burning bright not for a day, not for a month or a year; keep the flames burning bright for a lifetime.
Your enthusiasm a passion for life becomes the driving force to push you forward. Your passion for your enthusiasm becomes the foundation for a full and prosperous life.
©2011 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author
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