Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Is Our Food Safe?

Is Our Food Safe?

Nearly 13,000 children have been reported sick from tainted milk in China.

The Associated Press has reported today that nearly 12,900 children have been hospitalized in China as a result of drinking tainted milk. It has also been reported that 104 of the children are in serious condition.

The milk has been exported to other counties around the world but the Chinese government has said that the milk has not been imported into the United States.

The Chinese Health Ministry has confirmed the story.

The milk in question is powered milk used for babies. The issue with the milk is the bi-products that are added to the milk.

Considering that these bi-products have been added to baby formula what assurances are there that these bi-products have not been added to other food products?

How Safe is our food?

Over the past couple of years, the United States has experienced tainted food products imported from around the world including vegetables, shrimp, fish, and baby food.

There are also non-food product issues such as, lead in toys, asbestos in clothes and bedding, anti-freeze bi-products in toothpaste, issues with medicine, and pet food.

Who’s Inspecting Our Food?

It appears that the United States government has now outsourced the inspection of our food to foreign governments.

What should the government’s responsibility be?

Where is the Concern for the Safety of our Imported Foods?

Who should be responsible for inspecting imported foods, the U.S. Government or the country of origin?

Who should be responsible for the heath, safety, and welfare of the people in our country?

Should we be outsourcing the inspection of the food supply coming into our country?

We Have to Ask?

With all of the rich farmland and resources available in the United States should we be importing what we can produce ourselves?

Is it important to think about the health, safety, and welfare of the people in the U.S.?

What about creating jobs and keeping the money in the country?

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