Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Enthusiasm Will Make the Difference

Motivational Power Quote

Enthusiasm Will Make the Difference

“A mediocre idea that
generates enthusiasm
will go further
than a great idea
that inspires no one.”
Mary Kay Ash, founder of Mary Kay

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Enthusiasm will make the difference.

Many times we are presented with an idea.

Some of the ideas appear to be great and look like a sure winner, and yet they just don’t seem to get off the ground. As good as the idea appears to be, they will sit there and then just fade away without achieving success.

Other times we see a mediocre idea that appears it would likely fail, but then that idea takes off and becomes a rousing success.

What makes the difference?

What is the secret to turn an idea into a rousing success?

A mediocre idea that generates enthusiasm and inspires us will create a sense of commitment and motivation. As a result, we put our best effort in seeing that idea through, moving it from a vision to a success story.

When we are enthusiastic we become inspired and can take a mediocre idea and turn that idea into unstoppable momentum and success.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Don’t Yield to Self Pity

Motivational Power Quote

Don’t Yield to Self Pity

“Self pity is our worst enemy,
and if we yield to it,
we can never do
anything good in the world.”
Helen Keller, blind and deaf educator

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Self pity becomes a trap of the mind that moves us into the dark world of negative thinking, negative action and negative results.

If we yield to self pity we become involved in a downward spiral. This spiral can throw our lives into a tailspin where things can get out of control and can make it seem as if there is no way out.

When we become involved in challenging situations never yield to self pity.

We have to resist self pity with all of our strength, maintain positive thinking, and stay focused on solutions, not self pity.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Monday, September 28, 2009

Try, Try and Try Again

Motivational Power Quote

Try, Try and Try Again

“You may be disappointed
if you fail,
but you are doomed
if you don’t try.”
Beverly Sills, American Opera Soprano

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Try, Try and Try Again.

Many of the most success people have experienced failure on their success journey, they were disappointed. But they did not quit they regrouped, adjusted and moved forward with passion.

When we experience failure we are confronted with a choice. Do we stop trying or do we continue our success journey and over come the failure?

The successful people though out history have elected to continue and move on pass their failures.

The reason that we read about the successful people is because they made the extra effort to try again and succeeded in the face of adversity while the other passed unnoticed by history because they stopped trying and were doomed to live in their failures.

When faced with failure pick yourself up, bush yourself off and continue to try.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Don’t Let Our Doubts of Today Limit Our Tomorrow

Motivational Power Quote

Don’t Let Our Doubts of Today Limit Our Tomorrow

“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow
will be our doubts of today.”
Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd U. S. President

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Don’t let our doubts of today limit our tomorrow.

The only time that our doubts will limit our tomorrow is when we give in to the doubts and allow that doubt to control our thinking, our activities and our life.

What we decide to do with our doubts becomes a personal choice.

We can choose to be negative and succumb to our doubts, or we can choose to acknowledge we have doubts and take action to overcome them. We can choose to face our doubts with a positive attitude, deicide what we’re able to control, set the course to remove the doubt with positive thinking and positive action.

Our doubts of today are obstacles on our success journey; our tomorrows will be the result of positive thinking and overcoming our doubts of today.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Don’t Fall Victim to Suffering

Motivational Power Quote

Don’t Fall Victim to Suffering

“Although the world is full
of suffering,
it is also
full of the overcoming of it.”
Helen Keller, humanitarian

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Don’t fall victim to suffering.

There are times that we find ourselves in the position of having people around us that are suffering great stress, anxiety, or are faced with circumstances that may seem to be overwhelming with no solutions.

As challenging as their situation may seem there are choices, to fall victim to the suffering or to seek solutions.

The choice is to overcome suffering and seek solutions.

To overcome the suffering in ones life will take strength to step back and to recognize the source of the suffering. At this point a conscious decision has to be made that the situation is no longer acceptable to us and we want change. At that moment there is a breakthrough of overcoming the suffering.

That breakthrough is our choice and the solutions are within our reach.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Friday, September 25, 2009

Do What You Have to Do

Motivational Power Quote

Do What You Have to Do

“Just go out there and
do what you’ve got to do.”
Martina Navratilova, tennis champion

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Do what you have to do.

There are times that all the talking has to stop and we have to make the decision to get up and go out there and do what we have to do.

There will be no excuses, no stalling and no procrastination. There comes a time when we have to take action, to do what we have to do and get it done.

Once we take the first step to getting things done there seems to be a weight lifted off our shoulders and we have a spring in our step.

It all starts with the decision to do what we have to do and taking the first step in doing it now.

Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Inspirational Speaker, Trainer, Educator and Author

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Discover The Difference Between Winning and Losing

Motivational Power Quotes

Discover The Difference Between Winning and Losing

“The difference in winning and losing
is most often. . .
not quitting.”
Walt Disney, Animator, Film Producer

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Discover the difference between winning and losing.

The difference between winning and losing becomes a very thin line.

The vision of winning becomes a powerful motivator which keeps us focused on following our vision and achieving our objective.

A positive attitude supports our vision and lays down a solid foundation for winning.

Our positive thinking works on our sub-conscience mind reinforcing the fact that we will reach our objective and win.

The will to win creates the determination to win and guides us over the obstacles until we succeed.

Not quitting is our personal commitment to see the task through to a successful conclusion and ultimately winning.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Creating Opportunity Creates Wealth

Motivational Power Quote

Creating Opportunity Creates Wealth

“It is less important
to redistribute wealth
than it is
to redistribute opportunity.”
Arthur H. Vandenburg

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Creating opportunity creates wealth.

When you give a person a fish they eat for the day, when you teach the person to fish they eat for a lifetime.

In giving a person a fish we create a person that’s becomes indentured by the fish. They become dependent on other’s to give them a fish. As a result, they no longer pursue the fish they wait for other’s to hand them a fish.

They merely exist.

When you teach the person to fish you empower the person and help them to move forward and find more fish and to open the doors of unlimited opportunities.

The person who has learned to fish creates their future and their opportunities, which in time creates wealth, self respect and their self-reliance.

America is the land of opportunity.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Create a Crystal Clear Vision for your Future

Motivational Power Quote

Create a Crystal Clear Vision for your Future

“Your vision will become clear
only when you look
into your own heart.
He who looks outside dreams;
he who looks inside, awakes.”
Carl Jung

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Create a crystal clear vision for your future.

Continuously move forward and create a crystal clear vision for your future.

What is your vision for your future?

Our vision will become crystal clear only when we look into our heart and take stock. We first have to understand what it is that we really want in our lives.

We have to ask ourselves, are we willing to work for our vision? What has to be adjusted in our lives to achieve our vision?

Having a crystal clear vision forms our self-concepts which will direct our relationships, effort, and the activities necessary to achieve our vision.

The future belongs to those who are willing to go out of their comfort zone and take action to obtain their vision and goals.

Our awakening occurs when we look inside ourselves for the answers.

Personal power is created with our awakening as we move forward in the direction of our vision.

Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Inspirational Speaker, Trainer, Educator and Author

Monday, September 21, 2009

Be Busy or Be Productive

Motivational Power Quote

Be Busy or Be Productive

“It’s not so much how busy you are,
but why you are busy.
The bee is praised.
The mosquito is swatted.”
Mary O’Connor

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Be busy or be productive.

It’s not a question of how busy you are, what is critical is how productive you are.

Be clear on what is the most valuable use of your time, energy and efforts.

Focus your efforts on what is the most important objectives for you to accomplish and then engage in the most productive activities to achieve your desired outcome.

Just say no to unproductive activities.

Rate the importance of your objectives and take actionon your most important objectives.

Focus on being productive, not busy.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Asking Questions Increases Our Performance

Motivational Power Quote

Asking Questions Increases Our Performance

“Asking questions will get you
the performance you are after
far better than dictating demands.”
Dan James

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Asking questions increases our performance.

Asking questions is a sign of respect and showing sincere interest in the other person.

In response to asking questions we form a relationship with the person and build rapport.

Rapport opens the door for continuous communication.

When we make demands of people often this can shut off open and honest communication with the other person as they may feel threatened, angry, or both. From that point forward communication, relationships, and negotiations breakdown.

Making demands can also jeopardize a relationship and close the door on future opportunities.

As we continue to ask questions we gather information. When that information is properly utilized we are seen as a problem solver.

As a problem solver, we help the other person and we gain momentum that continuously moves us in the direction of our goals and objectives.

Asking questions increases our performanace and places us in a win – win situation.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Saturday, September 19, 2009

As We See Our World, Our World Will Be

Motivational Power Quote

As We See Our World, Our World Will Be

“The optimist proclaims that
we live in the best of all possible worlds,
and the pessimist fears this is true.”
James Branch Cabell

As I see it. . . . . . . .
As we see our world, our world will be.

We see our world through our thoughts and our attitude; that world will be one of the optimist or of the pessimist.

Our outer world will correspond with our inner world. What happens in our outer world will become a direct refection of our thoughts.

A positive thinker lives in the world of possibilities; also they tend to see their world as a world of opportunities.

An optimist will press forward because they know they can do it and will do it.

The negative thinker sees the world as one set back after another. They see their challenges as overwhelming with no possible solutions.

The pessimist will stop trying because they know that it can’t be done or they will not be able to be do it.

The biggest difference between the optimist and the pessimist is in their thoughts and in their attitude.

The optimist believes that they can and they will do it.

The pessimist will ask themselves, why even try?

Be the optimist see the possibilities and the opportunities.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Friday, September 18, 2009

A Time for Renewal

Motivational Power Quote

A Time for Renewal

“No matter how long the winter
spring is sure to follow.”

As I see it. . . . . . . .
A time for renewal

I would to reflect on a recent business trip to New Jersey.

During my visit I experienced a wide array of spring weather, from snow flurries, to the weather being in the low 50’s to below freezing. All the weather conditions occurred in less then a week.

Moving to Florida in 1981 I had forgotten the spring weather shifts in New Jersey.

One of the first things I noticed driving from the Philadelphia Airport to New Jersey even with the cold weather (about freezing) the trees were budding and the early spring flowers were in bloom.

This year New Jersey area experienced a cold weather and had their share of snow and the locals that I spoke with were looking forward to spring and the weather getting warmer.

After the winter spring will follow and it becomes the time of year for renewal.

Our real estate business is a lot like the seasons, we are now in the time of renewal in real estate; we may have to put up with a little bit more winter; but then spring will follow and our real estate business will be renewed.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Thursday, September 17, 2009

A Mind of Purpose

Motivational Power Quote

A Mind of Purpose

“Great minds have purpose,
others have wishes.”
Washington Irvin, American author

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Great minds have a purpose and are nurtured, conditioned and expanded to become great.

As we expand our mind, we become open to the possibilities of new and exciting opportunities.

We nurture our mind with education, creative thinking, and opening our mind to new and fresh ideas. As we nurture our minds we expand our thinking and increase our sense of reason.

We condition our mind to accept the possibilities to become a great mind of purpose. The greatest minds are achieved over time with determination.

Have a mind of great purpose that conditioned to achieve, while other wishes.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Your Destiny is Your Choice

Motivational Power Quote

Your Destiny is Your Choice

“Destiny is not a matter of chance,
but a choice.
Not something to wish for,
but to attain.”
William Jennings Bryant

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Achieving our destiny becomes a matter of the choices we make and the actions we take.

Success does not happen by chance, it’s to be attained through our choices and our continued effort.

Pursuing our destiny will take a dedicated purpose and a willingness to stay on course until we achieve our desired outcome.

The price of achieving our destiny is taking the personal responsibility to achieve that destiny.

Creating a compelling destiny and forward momentum in our life and career is a matter of choice.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker, and Author

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

You Create Your Life

Motivational Power Quote

You Create Your Life

“Some people have a life of happiness,
achievement and fulfillment.
Others lead a life of discontent,
the only difference is our choices.”
Lou Ludwig, sales and management consultant, educator, author

As I see it. . . . . . . .
You create your life.

The choices we make will make all the difference; our choices will create our life. Choose for your long term success and choose wisely, it’s our choice on who we and who we become.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Monday, September 14, 2009

What You Are

Motivational Power Quote

What You Are

“Wealth is not only what you have,
but it is also what you are.”
Sterling W. Sill

As I see it. . . . . . . .
What you are.

What is the measure of a man?

Wealth alone doesn’t make a person; it’s a measure of the accumulation of money.

There have been many people who have accumulated great wealth or statue that were neither successful nor happy.

True wealth is enjoying and sharing what you have earned. Forming lasting relationships and doing what you love to do is the true foundation of wealth.

The act of pursuing your goals then becomes part of your character and a natural progression of creating wealth

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Sunday, September 13, 2009

What We See Determines Our Outcome

Motivational Power Quote

What We See Determines Our Outcome

“If you believe it with all your being,
you will start to see it
and then you will achieve it.”
Lou Ludwig, sales and management consultant, educator, author

As I see it. . . . . . . .
What we see determines our outcome.

A belief once placed in your mind with passion creates the vision in your subconscious. Focusing on that vision creates the vehicle to achieve your desired outcome.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Saturday, September 12, 2009

We Will Go Where Our Thoughts Take Us

Motivational Power Quote

We Will Go Where Our Thoughts Take Us

“Nurture your mind with great thoughts,
for you will never go
any higher than what you think.”
Benjamin Disraeli, was a British statesman and author

As I see it. . . . . . . .
We will go where our thoughts take us.

Our thoughts are the foundation to be a positive thinker and doer.

Our thoughts will move us in the direction of our goals and objectives. The highest level of our thoughts will determine the level of our achievement; our thoughts will take us where we want to go.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Friday, September 11, 2009

We Fashion Our World with Our Thoughts

Motivational Power Quote

We Fashion Our World with Our Thoughts

“The environment you fashion
out of your thoughts,
your beliefs, your ideals, your philosophy
is the only climate you will ever live in.”
Dr. Stephen Covey, personal development author, speaker, consultant

As I see it. . . . .
Our thoughts and personal belief system resides in our subconscious mind.

Those thoughts will form the world we live in, the way we look at the world, the actions we take, and the level of success we will achieve. Our thoughts will determine the way we live our life and will make a difference between success and failure in our relationships and our happiness.

Choose to fashion your world by keeping your thoughts positive you create a positive environment for a positive life.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Unlocking the Power of Knowledge

Motivational Power Quote

Unlocking the Power of Knowledge

“Knowledge is a treasure, but
practice is the key to it.”
Thomas Fuller, founder of Fuller Bush

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Knowledge by itself is worthless.

The power of knowledge is created in the practice and expansion of your knowledge.

Once you release your knowledge with proper application, your knowledge will open the doors of opportunity, unlimited success and achievement.

Your knowledge becomes a source of unlimited power with practice.

The key is to use your knowledge.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

True Prosperity

Motivational Power Quote

True Prosperity

“True prosperity is the result
of well placed confidence
in ourselves and our fellow man.”
Benjamin Burt

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Achieving true prosperity is a combination of several key beliefs.

First we have to have confidence in ourselves and our abilities which will show.

We attract true prosperity through our relationships with other people. Our level of confidence in our fellow man will establish a mutual level of confidence and form the relationship that is the foundation of attraction.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Thinking Your Way to Success

Motivational Power Quote

Thinking Your Way to Success

“When you change your thinking
you change your world
and you change your life.”
Lou Ludwig, sales and management consultant, educator, author

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Thinking your way to success . . . .

The foundation of a full life is based on the quality of our thoughts. Focusing on the positive will change your actions and your results.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Uncharted Path

Motivational Power Quote

The Uncharted Path

“The success journey is at
times an uncharted path.”
Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Inspirational Speaker, Educator, Author

As I see it. . . . . . . .
The success journey is not a destination; it’s a continued process of striving.

The journey at many times becomes uncharted and when that occurs we may feel uncertain of ourselves and our direction.

That those times we have to evaluate our plans, get our bearing, reset our course and move forward, believing in our abilities and ourselves.

Be determined and commit yourself to your success journey.

®Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coaching, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Power of the Mind

Motivational Power Quote

The Power of the Mind

“The mind is its own place,
and in itself
can make a Heaven of Hell,
or a Hell of Heaven.”
John Milton, (1606-1674) English poet

As I see it. . . . . . . .
What we think about we become.

The human mind is a powerful computer that processes your thoughts into information. That information will be processed and then stored in your mind as either positive or negative information.

The positive information stored in your mind creates positive thinking and positive actions. People who are positive thinkers have a positive outlook about themselves, their abilities and the world around them.

Their positive thinking makes them the person they are.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Greatest Power

Motivational Power Quote

The Greatest Power

“The greatest power that a
person possesses is the
power to choose.”
J. Martin Kobe

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Everyday we are faced with a multitude of choices.

The choices that we make today will form the foundation for our future. We can choose to live a full life and become successful or we can choose to have a victim’s mentality.

We can choose to be a positive thinker or an excuse maker.

We can choose to be the pilot or the passenger on our success journey.

We can choose to change our life for the better or we can remain in a rut. Every choice we make will have an impact on our life.

Our life is full of choices and the greatest power that we possess is the power to choose and form our future.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Friday, September 4, 2009

The Benefits of Learning From Mistakes

Inspirational Power Quote

The Benefits of Learning From Mistakes

“I have learned more from
my mistakes
than from my success.”
Sir Humphrey Davy

As I see it. . . . . . . .
We learn from our past, from both our successes and our mistakes.

The lessons we learn from our mistakes offer a greater opportunity for success in the future than what we learn from our success as a result of the impact the mistakes have on us.

Mistakes are a window to our past and offer excellent opportunities to learn and benefit from them in the future.

Experiences become a great teacher but can be very expensive lessons. Our experiences offer an opportunity to look at new challenges in a new light and then draw on the lessons from our past.

Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Inspirational Speaker, Educator, Author

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Stretch for Success

Motivational Power Quote

Stretch for Success

“Goals need to be configured
to stretch us,
but not to break us.”
Kent Krive

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Reach for the brass ring.

The brass ring seems to be out of our reach but we can see it, as we go around we continue to stretch for the prize.

To reach the brass ring we will have to stretch beyond our comfort zone. It’s a little farther than we have stretched in the past but with extra effort we can reach the brass ring.

Our goals are like the brass ring we can see then but we’ll have to stretch to achieve them.

They will take an extra effort and we will have to stretch.

Goals should cause us to stretch, but they should not break us in the pursuit.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Put Your Heart In Your Business

Motivational Power Quote

Put Your Heart In Your Business

“To be successful, you have to
have your heart in your business
and your business in your heart.”
Thomas Watson, Sr.

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Put your heart into your business.

Have a passion for what you do, and you will become your passion.

Successful people have a consistent attribute; a passion for what they do. That passion will show in your attitude, your enthusiasm, your thinking, your efforts and your activities.

Be committed to make the extra effort. Put all of your heart into your business and focus on your desired outcome and continued success.

Your passion will become so strong to succeed that you reach a point where your business will be in your heart.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Our Vision Will Determine What We See

Motivational Power Quote

Our Vision Will Determine What We See

“It is a terrible thing to see
and yet have no vision.”
Helen Keller

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Our vision will determine what we see.

Our thoughts will bring clarity to our vision.

As we clarify our vision we determine what we see.

Once we can see with vision we open the doors to prosperity.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author