Education Opportunity and NetworkingMeet the Top Sales Experts at SEBCLooking for ways to boost your new home sales? The 30th annual Southeast Building Conference is the place for you. On Thursday and Friday (July 31-August 1), some of the nation’s top sales and marketing pros will be available to you, free of charge. Here is the schedule of Meet the Experts sessions, all of which will be held at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando: Thursday, July 31, 2008
9am-10:15amWorking with Agents to Make Sales, Rick Bavec, Tolaris Homes, Sanford FL, and Internet 101, Melissa Stockstill, WCN Interactive, Viera, FL;
10:30am-11:45amSales Management in a Changing Market, Lou Ludwig, MCSP, Ludwig & Associates, Boca Raton, FL, and Working Effectively with E-Leads, Ralph Hudson, American Builders Network, Winter Park, FL;
2pm-3:15pm Becoming a Top Marketer, David Hoke, MIRM, BLF Marketing, Nashville, TN, 100 Percent Financing Programs, Jason Kotar, Kotar & Associates, Fort Lauderdale, FL; Friday,
August 1: 9 am-10:15 amCreating Buyer’s Urgency, Lou Ludwig, MCSP, Ludwig & Associates, Boca Raton, FL, Alternative Advertising Strategies, Deborah Fisher, CMP, Fisher & Company, P.A., Jacksonville, FL;
10:30am-11:45amUnlocking Internet Marketing Secrets, Melissa Stockstill, WCN Interactive, Viera, FL, Collecting Dividends from Your Brand, David Hoke, MIRM, BLF Marketing, Nashville, TN;
2pm-3:15pmAppraisals - The New "X " Factor, Barry Kotar, Kotar & Associates, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, The Internet in a Challenging Market, Ralph Hudson, American Builders Network, Inc., Winter Park, FL;
3:30pm-4:45pmMaintaining Contact with Customers, Steve Hoffacker, MIRM, Hoffacker Associates, West Palm Beach, FL, Offering a Product That Will Sell, Rick Bavec, Tolaris Homes, Sanford, FL.